19 July 2023

DivinaLaw recently organized a seminar entitled “Keeping the Workplace a Safe Space: A Closer Look at Safe Spaces Act (R.A. No. 11313) led by DivinaLaw Partner Rhegine T. Peralta, whose expertise include litigation, arbitration, and alternative dispute resolution.

Commonly called the “Bawal Bastos Law,” the Safe Spaces Act covers all forms of gender-based sexual harassment in public spaces, educational and training institutions, workplace, and online spaces. 

“The Safe Spaces Act recognizes that making the workplace a safe space will not be possible without the indispensable participation of the employer,” said Atty. Peralta. “That is why it’s their duty to not only prevent but punish [those who commit] gender-based sexual harassment in the workplace.”

Atty. Peralta also discussed the duties of employees and co-workers. “Refrain from committing acts of gender-based sexual harassment,” she added. “We must provide support to our co-workers who are victims of sexual harassment and report acts of gender-based sexual harassment witnessed in the workplace.”

Around 125  participants attended this learning session who joined both onsite and online.

True to its thrust of dynamic lawyering, DivinaLaw regularly organizes seminars on highly relevant topics for the firm’s clients and the general public.