June 23, 2020

Today’s timely webinar “Add to Cart: Legal perspectives on E-commerce” drew consumers seeking to learn more about their rights, and online businesses who want to know their legal obligations.

DivinaLaw Associate Monique C. Roa discussed seller do’s and dont’s, consumer rights and remedies, and the prohibited acts and penalties. The impact of COVID-19 on consumer behavior, e-commerce forecasts and trends, as well as the latest BIR memoranda were tackled in depth by Senior Partner Cybill B. Uytiepo. Senior Associate Jay-r C. Ipac delved into e-commerce from the perspective of businesses, and discussed possible issues related to intellectual property, data privacy, and cyber security.

The Firm is privileged to have as guest speaker the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Undersecretary Ruth Castelo who shared statistics on the rise of complaints received by DTI involving online transactions before and during the pandemic. Consumer complaints handling and resolution were also covered. She also tackled salient points of RA 7394 also known as Consumer Act of the Philippines. Usec. Castelo also encouraged online businesses to comply with government regulations to register their business. “Come into the fold. Get yourselves registered. Becoming a legitimate online seller will help you grow faster and increase consumer confidence in your business.”

This free webinar is the third of a series of DivinaLaw’s public service and advocacy efforts to offer legal perspective on various relevant topics. Past webinars have discussed force majeure, labor issues, data privacy in light of COVID-19, and domestic violence amidst the lockdown. In the pipeline are the webinars on the basics of retrenchment and data privacy amidst the inevitable transition to digital.