DivinaLaw Senior Partners Atty. Jay Layug and Atty. Richie Ramos-Pilares were recently elected as members of the Board of Trustees of the Developers of Renewable Energy for AdvanceMent, Inc. (DREAM), the umbrella organization of all renewable energy associations in the Philippines.

Atty. Layug was elected as president and Atty. Ramos-Pilares was elected as assistant corporate secretary of DREAM during a recent annual meeting.

Atty. Layug and Atty. Pilares are the co-heads of DivinaLaw’s energy practice.

Photo shows (standing, left to right) former Energy Secretary Vince Perez as DREAM chairman, WEDAP President Poch Ambrosio as DREAM Corporate Secretary, ACEN’s Rio Inocencio as DREAM Treasurer, Philhydro President Sly Natividad, NGAP’s Tin Rioja, DivinaLaw’s Atty. Richie Pilares as DREAM Assistant Corporate Secretary, and NGAP President Joeffrey Caranto.

Seated, from left are: DREAM President Jay Layug, BREA President Don Dia and CSDP Chairman Abet Espiritu.